All albums and singles by Nadezda Filippova

Echo Chambers
Echo Chambers is a truly personal album that invites the listener to reinvent their knowledge of Debussy. Some of his well-appreciated and some of his lesser-known works are on the disc, embraced by two magnetic compositions from the present: one by Vanessa Lann and the other by Juan Felipe Waller.

Single: Inner Piece of Vanessa Lann (live)
The majority of Vanessa Lann’s compositions include aspects of ritual, ceremony or contemplation. She is interested in breaking with the conventional concert-hall approach to the performance and programming of music, and she frequently experiments with alternative ways of sharing sound, other media and time with audiences, often hoping to blur the boundary between art and daily experience.

Forbidden Music
Schulhoff’s music remained a well-kept secret for many years, partly due to its apparent eclecticism. He was a brilliant pianist himself, making frequent appearances in the concert hall and later in radio studios, renowned for his immaculate technique, fabulous memory, and prowess as an improviser.
Daahoud Salim and Nadezda Filippova perform Ironien for four hands.